While the 8XE is away with the paint and plating people, I thought I should do a check on the parts I have collected for the 8D. Most are correct original parts, but some not.
I got the motor after being approached by a guy at the start of the Pioneer Run in 2016. He told me that the Harley Davidson Club of Great Britain had identified it as a 1911 based on its VIN. Well the numbers are all good but AB denotes 1912 not 1911. I have worked hard to determine the differences between the 1911 and the early 1912 motors (50ci) but can not find any differences until the changes later in the year which became the E model (61ci). It has the wider 2″ belt and an open magneto.

The right hand tanks is correct for 1912 and came from the Veterama Swap Meet in Mannheim. The other tank is also a right hand and but from a single cylinder model. I am hoping I can use the incorrect part to fashion a left hand replacement part, hopefully keeping the name decal section.

The fenders are also original pieces and also came from Germany. They are correct parts but may need a little massaging.